Although some might think two months is a long time to spend somewhere, it’s not. I suspect I could spend a lifetime discovering Tokyo alone, let alone Japan as a country. This is simply my impression of the place given my time here, and some of the “dealbreakers” that mean Japan...
Despite a consumer-based economy, why inflation rate in US is so low? Despite savings based economy why the inflation rate in India is so high? Why do some people gain and other people lose from inflation and deflation? Why is it dangerous to wait for inflation to materialize to implement...
The success these efforts have had at glossing over the inherent tensions between instrumentalist approaches to family planning and reproductive self-determination is due in large part to their emphasis on the principle of “voluntarism.” Voluntarism is a crucial element of person-centered family plann...
Monetary policy refers to the resolutions and activities done by the Central Bank to maintain consistency between the growth of the economy and prices of commodities. It is the government's responsibility to ensure that the supply of money supports the growth of the eco...
Plato distrusted commerce, detested democracy, and also came to believe that teaching philosophy to just anyone was dangerous. A tradition of ethical argument arose that questioned whether engaging in trade was even moral, since merchants did not produce their commodities and so did not contribute ...
When Netflix first got into the streaming game, it wasn’t even a matter of collecting all the content; it was a question of collecting enough content to justify the service’s own existence. A lot of those movies came from side deals ...
While it may seem hard to believe that the US government is helping al-Qaeda in Syria, it’s not as strange as it may seem: our interventionist foreign policy increasingly requires Washington to partner up with “bad guys” in pursuit of its dangerous and aggressive foreign policy goals. ...
Thus, some research argues that increased contraceptive use, in places where it is dangerous to give birth, may incrementally reduce maternal deaths that can be attributed to high parity. But contraception cannot fix the structural conditions that make recurring maternity a risk for death in some ...