Since the wind was blowing from the rear to the front, the “head” (or front) of the ship was the best place for sailors to relieve themselves. So, when the shipmates went to the toilet, they went to the head.Why Is It Called a Poop Deck?
A View from the Poop Deck; Why Greece Is Failing to Set a Course for RecoveryThis column comes to you from the cruise ship Minerva in the Greek port of Piraeus. Why I'm...Weyer, Martin Vander
that I am not alone in this. There are other mums who are going through the same thing. As new mums, we sometimes overlook our mental health – on top of our physical health. It takes awhile for our mind and body to recalibrate and recover from this wonderful experience calledMOTHERHOOD...
I’m not going to stand here and preach to you on the necessity of learning a new language for travelling. It’s far from necessary and I really don’t care for the mentality that it is. Miming a poop-squat is a perfectly legitimate form of communication and will point you in the ri...
As a white person in Hanoi, you’re being scammed pretty much all the time. It’s just that sometimes you might not know it, or you don’t want to admit that you know it. The worst part of it is that when you actually do pay attention to the behavior of the locals, you’ll no...
The article focuses on the economic recovery in Greece, Turkey, and England. The author mentions that the other element of the recovery equation appears to be denied by Greece as the anti-austerity bandwagon is gathering momentum. He relates the remark of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby ...