You can pitch an idea or promote a service or company on the social networking site with the same approach you might take toward pitching anywhere. A good pitch is smart, concise and appealing. Even better if it makes you want to follow up with the person or the company in question. Wha...
Although VC firms are smarter than to “judge the book by its cover”, the power of the first impression in the investment field is huge. That’s why startup owners who know how to design an appealing pitch deck, how to present the vision behind the product and explain why it’s diffe...
If a dog barks seemingly unprovoked at night, it might be because ambient noise is lessened and they’re more attuned to the various howling and barking of other dogs. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many.如果一条狗在夜里似乎无缘无故地叫起来,这可能是因为四周的...
If a dog barks seemingly unprovoked at night, it might be because ambient noise is lessened and they’re more attuned to the various howling and barking of other dogs. Because dogs are territorial, one dog barking can turn into many. 如果一条狗在夜里似乎无缘无故地叫起来,这可能是因为四周的...
So let me be very clear: white men in Europe and the United States are the beneficiaries of the single greatest affirmative action program in the history of the world. It is called "the history of the world." 我希望大家能认识到,在欧洲和美国的白种男性是历史上伟大的平权运动中最大的受益者...
The realbenefit of a cash flow forecastis that it can help you predict the amount of cash you will have in the bank. Knowing when you might run short on cash will help you determine the best types of loans and investments, and when you need them, to build your business. ...
While your resume is supposed to be a reflection of the things you've accomplished thus far in your career, it also needs to be forward-facing. When the hiring managers skim through it, they're looking for clues that promise you'll add value to their team. ...
It all starts with what's called“sound symbolism(声音象征)” ,which refers to the study of the relationships between utterances(言辞) and their meaning. In music,there's something about the appeal of words as sounds, beyond their meaning in a language. E . This might explain why we are...
everybody is doing something on sex offenders you know it's like dude I got it there's people out there touching kids you know but it's not everybody it's a very small portion of the population so you know take it down a few cuz you're making it fucking awkward out there dude yo...
Why collaborating with other creators is worth it While collaborations are a nice change of pace for solo creators, the benefits go beyond socializing. Creator collaborations are worth exploring because they are: Inexpensive. Collaborations don’t require travel or new equipment; your time is usually...