纽约灾星/The Jinx: The Life and Deaths of Robert Durst 这纪录片我去年看到一半嫌节奏太慢没看完,今天又一口气重头刷完一遍。第三集转折最为精彩,一场精心设计的降维打击的谋杀,我还是挺赞同纽约时报的主编...
“it just seems unfair,” i say, and we both laugh. it’s kind of a joke, but just like the remark we make about our child’s gender, there is truth behind it. pregnancy is innately lonely; it’s something a woman does by herself, inside her body, no matter what her ...
Abbey Road was, confusingly, the penultimate Beatles album but the last to be recorded. It was alsosupposed to be called Everest, the cover to feature the Fab Four striding in the Nepalese foothills. They couldn't be bothered. Its cheapo stand-in — a zebra crossing, 10 seconds walks fro...
Because a truly perfect crime is one that neither we nor the police know about. Ideally, even the victim shouldn't know about the fact of the crime - if it was, let's say, a theft. Otherwise, it would be as perfect a crime as the Patriots' 2007 season was perfect. The same one ...
too much away, but the cat’s prowess is undeniable: Boris’s expression when Ben Affleck’s character eats ice cream from the carton feels like Oscar bait. Appropriately, Boris has attracted considerable attentiononlineand in the press–Voguemagazine called it the movie’s “emotional marker.”...
Where exactly do we draw the line? When is it the time to say “No, this is unacceptable, I won’t play this game as is” and walk away from the game, despite all the temptations of content and prior commitment to it? —
“Given that the game was concerned with ‘protection,’ and was well known to adults as well as children, it is almost certainly the origin of our modern superstitious practice of saying, ‘Touch wood,’” he argues. “The claim that the latter goes back to when we believed in tree spi...
Schefter said it is beyond foolish to expect then 36-year old journeyman backup Ryan Fitzpatrick to be the starter for the near future. “Who is the option?” Hasselbeck asked if the Bucs cut Jameis. “Don’t tell me Teddy Bridgewater — because there are five other teams that are going...
NHRA QSA (New York) - [ NHRA is National Hot Rod Assoc. QSA is the class my car runs in, Stock Eliminator. This plate is on the vehicle I tow the racecar with. ] YANK ME (North Dakota) - [ I get stuck a lot, yeah that's it ] CRPA DM (Florida) - [ Carpe Diem (seize ...
Byline: David PRENTICELiverpool Echo (Liverpool, England)