Jesus Rivas
It surely works in science, where the clash of competing ideas, without much restriction (you can’t call other scientists names in published papers), has led to the understanding of the Universe called “scientific truth”. That truth is not absolute, of course, but what we call the “...
ThorandWonder Womanare both pretty good movies, but there’s one key scene that works inThorthat just doesn’t inWonder Woman.In our latest “Scene Fights” video we break down why that one scene is so effective inThorand why it’s so frustrating inWonder Woman. We also compare all the...
i ask her whether brian helped mark this turning point for her. the answer is yes, but also no. even before the brain tumor, giertz says, she was starting to feel like “it was harder and harder to come up with ideas. i was always concerned that it was eventually going to be like...
It would appear the new way to sell music and make money is the same as the old way to sell records and make money. Make a great record, don’t give it away for free, and partner with a major label. Of course there are those who might say that the success of these female art...
What is the importance of the Middle East for the West? Is it energy resources to fuel theindustrialized West? Or the key trade and shipping routes passing through the Persian Gulf and the Suez Canal used by ships to sail from Asia to Europe and North America?
vehicle for political messages. The GRAMMY-nominated group are outspoken about issues concerning the environment, particularly with their song, "Amazonia," which called out the climate crisis in the Amazon Rainforest. Using music to spread awareness about political issues is about as metal as it ...
Even if youre not fi having enough in the bank to choose if everything really is horrendous to jack it in and move without necessarily having a job to go to is liberating enough. My dad always called it ‘fuckoffability’ 8 Slow Dad April 11, 2018, 1:15 pm Excellent post. Once ...
But predicting who will be summoned to Stockholm and win the accolades, which are announced next week, is easy to get wrong. That doesn’t mean that people don’t try. Related article Nobel Prize Fast Facts Some look at which scientists have won so-called predictor prizes like the ...
In it, a young man named Charlie Decker is called into the principal’s office of his high school after assaulting a teacher. He goes on an expletive-filled tirade for reasons he doesn’t understand, prompting his expulsion. Decker then goes to his locker to retrieve a ...