Do you already know your web app will be under maintenance, and your users won’t be able to access it? Or maybe your store is swamped with orders, and you’re expecting shipping delays? Stay transparent and let your customers know beforehand. Here’s an example of an email from the ...
Therefore, it is advisable to know the climatic situation of the place you are shipping—to prevent yourselves from worrying about USPS tracking not updating. Another way inclement weather conditions hinder the delivery process is through damaged barcodes. If your package barcode is damaged and the ...
Please note that, according to Amazon’s guidelines, you are not allowed to ship orders to buyers while the order is pending. This remains true even if the buyer contacts you and tells you about their shipping address. If a buyer contacts you in this way, you are required as a seller ...
A traditional packaging favorite, bubble wrap helps protect fragile items during shipping. However, being plastic based, it’s definitely not green packaging. One sustainable alternative is a wrap made from up-cycled corrugated cardboard. Rather than disposing of or recycling...
her best to deliver value to you but may sometimes make an error or need help from you. And it’s easier to ask for a favor if they know you in person. Below, you can see a good example of a welcome email that introduces the team behind the company, which is called Andrew and ...
A traditional packaging favorite, bubble wrap helps protect fragile items during shipping. However, being plastic based, it’s definitely not green packaging. One sustainable alternative is a wrap made from up-cycled corrugated cardboard. Rather than disposing of or recycling post-co...
If you’re selling a wide array of customizable products, storing inventory in multiple warehouses, or shipping stock to retail locations and customers, you may quickly find that your inventory tracking is too complicated for a simple spreadsheet. Assume from the beginning that a spreadsheet won’...
After all, it doesn’t work as an incentive if it puts you in the red. Here are eight ways to go about it and maximize profitability: 1. Calculate profit margins One of the easiest ways to offer free shipping is to include the shipping cost in the price of your product. This way...
Even though corrugated cardboard packaging is very sturdy, it is also lightweight. This can help keep shipping costs down. Corrugated boxes can be fashioned into a variety of shapes, allowing your company more control over the kind of unboxing experience your consumers will have when your product...
The United States Department of Agriculture, which spends more than 2 billion dollars a year on food aid, is bound by the Cargo Preference Act, which requires that half the tonnage of government-financed cargo must ship on U.S.-flagged vessels, increasing the shipping cost by an average of...