When populations have high levels of immunity, “it favors [variants] that have some sort of escape mutation that doesn’t throw a monkey wrench in the transmission side of things,” said Michael Worobey, a professor of evolutionary biology at the University of Arizona. Now, you may be wond...
So when I first saw this post on Reddit, it hit me right in the same place as the first time I saw The Birds. But then like most things, if you dig a little deeper, you find out the real reason something is happening isn't that scary at all. Maybe a bit gruesome, but not ...
Anyway, the thing is, I think that music has the power to unite people. Instead of chronology and divisiveness, it should be about what we can do for the world. That’s my principal philosophy. You know, I didn’t address that issue. I wasn’t able to finish my thinking, because th...
One of the biggest problems is they can’t find workers. The people they do have are working long hours and dealing with customers who haven’t been very patient. (WILX) Even with incentives and bonuses it's hard for places to find workers and the cost of supplies and equipment is goin...
My 14 year old son said, “all she does is eat money and turn it into poop.” That pretty much is what she’s doing right now. Don’t get me wrong. I LOVE my sweet, adorable, wonderful cow. She brings me joy and my life is better with a cow. However, it would be even bett...
Culture War is Class War disguised. The Wealthy Elite--the "Filthy Rich"--foment Culture War in society to distract and cover their real economic motives. Culture War, Class War explores the resulting cultural divide--how it was instigated and kept alive
The Voyager is delicious and rents permanent space in my Dark Playground. (Of course, as soon as it was the topic of this post, putting Voyager play time in the Dark Woods for the first time ever, the monkey suddenly wanted to do other things and kept clicking away from the page. But...
monkey wrench into our assumptions about the primary causes of wheat intolerance, but due to the fact that WGA is found in highest concentrations in “whole wheat,” including its supposedly superior sprouted form, it also pulls the rug out from under one of the health food industry’s ...