Why is the book called Island of the Blue Dolphins? Why is the book Milkweed called Milkweed? Why are there so many names in Dostoevsky's writing? Why was the Aeneid written? Why is At the Mountains of Madness considered science fiction?
Why is it called The Neverending Story? In The Giver, why are there no books in the community? Why did Upton Sinclair name his book The Jungle? Why is Ender's Game a banned book? Why was the book called The Caine Mutiny? Why is the book Milkweed called Milkweed?
By sipping moisture from mud puddles, butterflies take in salts and minerals from the soil. This behavior is calledpuddling, and is mostly seen in male butterflies. That's because males incorporate those extra salts and minerals into their sperm. When butterflies mate, the nutrients are transferre...
which makes the monarch butterfly unpalatable to most predators. The monarchs even use aposematic coloration to warn predators that they will be eating a toxic meal, should they choose to prey on theorange and black butterfly. But if milkweed is so toxic, why don'...
When people spray unwanted “weeds,” like beneficial dandelions, it has a domino effect. Milkweed is the monarch butterflies main food source, but thanks to pesticides the number of plants has plummeted. Green lawns empty of nutritious and diverse plant life. Roadsides and fields that are ...
Why does the author mention “mustard weed species” in the discussion of plants that hybridize? A. To give an example of a weed that may become resistant to glyphosate due to hybridizing with a transgenic plant B. To argue that creating transgenic plants in the laboratory is not always nece...
In addition to these natural environmental hardships, human activities like deforestation and habitat depletion eradicate milkweed plants, which monarchs solely rely on for laying eggs as they migrate. Excess pesticide use is blamed for milkweed loss, too, said Pleasants. ...
Bad cropping is surely for the middle image the case. It could also be for the first one. I do not know what the moderator thought, but the last one has definitively a focus problem, even on the small image. The small images are also kind of over sharpened. Without seeing the original...
Scarification is the process of scratching the seeds’ coating to allow moisture in. This method can increase germination rates of large-seeded species such as sweet peas, nasturtiums, milkweed, and morning glories. You don’t want to damage the seed too much, so it’s essential to do this...
What is keeping people in Western countries from eating bugs? Who says we don't? It is estimated that an average American eats about 2 pounds of dead insect parts a year in their food that they don't know about. The Food and Drug Administration sets what is called "food defect action ...