These changes are called Amendments, and today there are a total of 27 of them. Each Amendment is crucial to our Constitution, but which one is the most important? It’s strongly believed that 500 Words 2 Pages Decent Essays Read More Oppression Deaf Community These issues can affect the ...
it’s certainly a film whose power needs to be properly contextualized. A movie can be a major tool for good but, as with any great educational tool, you need the right materials to get those conversations going.Gone With the Windis, of course...
Hollywood has been the caretaker and master image maker for white supremacy from its very beginning. So it’s no coincident that one of Hollywood’s first major film productions was directorB.W. Griffith’ssilent film “Birth of A Nation,”released in 1915. The film was originally ...
It is funny, my wife is an art historian and she teaches a class called Monuments and Methods which is all about monuments, so she has been studying this issue for a while, and I feel I had a good sounding board as I explored all of this. Even then I feel like a lot of ...