Hax, Carolyn
called “The Truth Fairy.” Shrier, of course, is the person most demonized as transphobic by transgender activists, but unfairly so, for she is not in the least transphobic.
It's not a real horse. I think there are a lot of things that we see or hear that we may have a fleeting question about, but skip over because, well, life is busy. Shannon Holly from the morning show got curious when she heard a code over the PA system in her grocery store....
Valley of the Kings– I had a great review for this one over atStrange Assemblyand was interested in trying it out. I spotted it set up at the AEG booth in the Exhibit hall and was excited to find Tom Cleaver, the designer, on had to demo it for me! I only had a sho...
One thing that I noticed real quick was the guys that treated the girls like June Cleaver, or spoke down to them constantly were quickly avoided and ignored. Those of us that were willing to offer an honest hand of friendship, have made some very longlasting friends. Yes, the lonely geek...
June 4, 2016 at 5:00 AM Thank you Helen for your story, it is most encouraging. I was diagnosed with Stage 4 ER and PR positive breast cancer in January 2016 from a secondary cancer on my scalp and subsequent CT scan. I too have had a breast lump for many years (over 10 years)...