We don’t think about it; it’s just always been so. Every party has it’s cake. The cake is the spotlight of the birthday celebration. What’s a birthday party without cake? As I thought more about it, I started to wonder–why cake? Why not bread? Or steak? Or lobster...
ie don't meet them socially. 我们与邻居没什麽往来. ,how do you `do? (used as a formal greeting when one meets sb for the first time 用作初次见面时的正式问候语). it/that will never/won't `do (used to indicate that a state of affairs is unsatisfactory and should be changed...
In addition very hot oil will react with the metal atoms of the pan and form a coating called a patina. This leaves few free metal atoms to react with the food. This coating can easily be removed by detergents, however, so it has to be reapplied before each use of the pan. In the...
Another extra step in growing sunflower microgreens is using a weighted tray for germination. To get the best possible yield, you should set up your tray for germination like any other plant, but put a tray with a 5 to 15-pound weight on the cover tray so it pushes down on the seeds....
The price of butter is the highest it's been since 2015 and unfortunately, the reason why probably won't come as big a shock as the price per pound does.
Writing a story in second person point of view can be challenging and fun. Let's look at what second person POV is and how to try it out.
“So if you have bacon and eggs for breakfast, a hamburger for lunch and a steak for dinner,”continues the fantasy-based Vogel,“this is going on all day long, your blood is always cloudy.” Yeah, but so what? “And the ability to operate at your best is always impaired,”a...
(Don’t worry—there is heat in winter.)小题1:What do we know about Tayka Hotel de Sal? A.It is located on a prehistoric lake. B.It should be protected against the rain. C.Everything in the hotel is made of salt. D.You have to cross a rope bridge to the hotel....
do sth over clean or redecorate the surfaces of sth 清理或重新装饰某物的表面: The paintwork is beginning to flake; it'll need doing over/to be done over soon. 油漆已成片脱落, 需要赶快重新上漆. do sth to sb (infml 口) have an effect on sb; excite or stir sb 影响到某人; 刺激或...