Out of all the Linux machines I have ever been called upon to administer, I don't recall a single one that didn't have Bash as the shell. Unix machines, yes, but Linux boxes, no. It's Bash every time. That familiarity lets you get to work quickly and be effective straight away. ...
1 Bash: exit in script doesn't close terminal 1 Can't exit and strange order of execution with tee Hot Network Questions What is the best chart or infographics to present a Confidence Index Ranking? What are thick concrete blocks/pads under cabin called? What are hotel staff...
In my understanding, the last executed command is test, that is implicitly called by the if statement, since the condition evaluates to false it should return 1, but when I execute it, it returns 0. Can anybody explain why the behavior is different than when test is executed directly...
Specifically, Bash on Windows is a developer tool. The idea here is that you’ve got some code that already works great on Linux that you’d like extend and hack on your Windows 10 machine. Or maybe you want to play with some Ruby gems that have some GNU utility dependencies. ...
Unless resetting the bash shell usingresetcommand, it will not echo back anything on the terminal. Raw [suresh@host ~]$ hostnamectl set-hostname suresh === AUTHENTICATING FOR org.freedesktop.hostname1.set-static-hostname === Authentication is required to set the statically configured local hos...
ZSH, also called the Z shell, is an extended version of the Bourne Shell (sh), with new features and support for plugins and themes. Since it's based on the same shell as Bash, ZSH has many of the same features, and switching over is a breeze. ...
Well, it looks like setting PATH works. I think I had got the impression that commands in rc.local and its children just aren't searched for in PATH, even after calling a bash script, but that's wrong. (@TiZon gave me a good clue.) The reason I got this impression is because eve...
the criminals also resort to so-called ‘vishing’ (or voice phishing, performed over the phone). Not everyone is so cautious in such a ‘critical’ situation that they will think to decline the requests of an extra-assertive ‘ban security officer’ asking for credit card data in order to...
Which can be used as bash$#parameters (in this case$1and$2): tasks: -name:Show some stuff!cmd:echo $1-name:Show some other stuff!cmd:echo $2 There are a ton of examples in theexample/dir.Go check them out! Here is an exhaustive list of all of the config options (in theconfig...
the .bashrc file with the Ctrl+X keyboard shortcut. You'll then want to do what's calledsourcing the file, so the changes take effect without having to log out and log back in. This is also a very good idea because if you've made a mistake, you'll get a chance to fix it. ...