Investing in sustainability can also improve a business’s reputation and help it connect with customers and employees in a meaningful way through shared causes. However, organizations must be careful not to “greenwash” their sustainability efforts—that is, misrepresent them for public relations ben...
Link bait is a piece of content that is created with the hopes of attracting a load of links. Link bait creators hope their content will go viral, and let me tell you, it is really difficult to churn out link bait after you produce a piece that goes viral. You're lucky if one ...
I know this seems like hard work. I know it might take time. I know that it’s not a guaranteed payday. But earning a solid income online is noget rich quickscheme. It’s called onlinebusiness. It takes time and effort, but when it pays off, the rewards are awesome. Nothing worth ...
The lockdown is a unique requirement to save lives. The Government is polling high figures in its action. And it is an action which you have been agreeing with on here in your endless postings. In fact you called for it to have happened even earlier. We get to elect...
The Christian Retail crooks don't know where they bought their sweatshop crucifixes? Every time the religious frauds get caught raping or stealing - whatever - it makes me wonder how people can still have faith in the mockery of God that organized rligion is. ...
there is considerable ambiguity regarding whether a brand’s COO is determined by where it is manufactured, designed, or sourced. In response, recent developments suggest that a brand’s COO should be defined as the “country which a consumer associates with a product or brand as being its sou...
The Universal Postal System is an agency of the United Nations Well, honestly, there’s your problem right there: the UN. Of course, there’s also subsidy issues, the fact that a great many Chinese companies are owned to some extent by the PLA, and a measure of sweatshop-level activities...
I recognize I am currently in a chapter of healing. Even though part of myself is impatient to really and truly get back to the writing and the creative life as I used to know it, I can sense my energy isn’t there yet. Right now, my returning trickle of creativity is best used ...
Sports Active: Cottoning On: Why Sport's Rag Trade Is Bidding Farewell to the Sweatshop ; until Recently, Manufacturers Were Inclined to Think `Fair Trade' Was a Cut-Price Transfer Signing. but, Says Jonathan Thompson, Things Are Changing. Half-Decent Wages, Organic Fabrics - the Sweat in...
Most impressively,99.9% of all the waste left over from the footwear manufacturing processis diverted away from landfills or incineration. Legal In the 1980s, Nike was sued for failing to disclose poor working conditions in “sweatshop” factories in Asia. ...