The poop deck is basically used bythe vessel's commanding superiors to observe the work and navigational proceedings. Technically, it is the deck that forms the roof of a cabin built in the aft part of the superstructure of the ship. Why was it called the poop deck on the Titanic? When ...
The author mentions that the other element of the recovery equation appears to be denied by Greece as the anti-austerity bandwagon is gathering momentum. He relates the remark of Archbishop of Canterbury Justin Welby regarding the phrase culture and entitlement. He adds that the gross domestic ...
If it is an intelligence agency of some sort, and the right entity acquires it (a non-conspiracy entity) those within its intel shop would have to try and strip their intel outfit out of it before the entity took possession, and then their intel outfit would have to try and survive with...
It’s 2016 and yes, I survived a year-ish of being a stay-at-home mum. It hasn’t been easy but it has been one crazy ride. My life haschanged.New Zealand.Breastfeeding. Teething. Poop.The Wiggles.I know right. I have tons to share. That is why I am blogging again. ...
春节是我国几十个民族共同的盛大节日,但各民族过春节的形式各有不同,如汉族在除夕夜要合家吃年夜饭,长辈给未成年的孩童“压岁钱”;布依族的除夕夜,全家人围坐在火炉旁,整夜守岁;藏族则在除夕之夜,举行盛大的“跳神会”,人们戴上假面具载歌载舞,以示除旧迎新,祛邪降福等等。这表明 ...
This is a marine article regarding the origin of the marine toilet being known as the head; here we will have a light-hearted look at its history. However, in the middle of a dark night, on a rough sea I am sure going to the loo, and having your nether regions splashed by cold se...
The way people are acting like trust in media-sanctioned narratives should be a given after those institutions literallyjustdiscredited themselves in front of everyone is insane. You don’t have to believe anything odd about the virus or the vaccine to understand the distrust. It was entirely ...
Let us know which one of the 'reasons why' is the best, and if you've had a funny or odd story ending a relationship then don't forget to add it to the list below! And if browsing through this list, you'll think that being single forever is the way to go, don't worry as ...
I’m not going to stand here and preach to you on the necessity of learning a new language for travelling. It’s far from necessary and I really don’t care for the mentality that it is. Miming a poop-squat is a perfectly legitimate form of communication and will point you in the ri...
As a white person in Hanoi, you’re being scammed pretty much all the time. It’s just that sometimes you might not know it, or you don’t want to admit that you know it. The worst part of it is that when you actually do pay attention to the behavior of the locals, you’ll no...