Why attacking Iran is still a bad ideaStephen M. Walt
In June, Tehran unveiled its so-called “hypersonic” missile which allegedly can hit Israel in 400 seconds. Of course, it was merely propaganda. If Iran indeed possessed such weapon, Israel would have been wiped out today. Its sponsored terrorist arm ...
Hezbollah, and Iran. I consistently have voted for security assistance to Israel throughout my career to protect it from these threats. But this war must end. I will stand by Israel, but I will not support the devastation of Gaza and the ...
Not only did this double killing of two such significant figures send global shockwaves because of what was seen as the disregard for Iraq's sovereignty, but it also very clearly demonstrated just how close the PMF is to Iran. Mr Muhandis himself had admitted to substantia...
revive the JCPOA is also not beneficial for the Saudis. Iran has been a perpetually hostile agent in the Middle East, fomenting conflict via proxies, attacking Saudi Arabia and other Sunni nations and threatening Israel. If the deal is renewed, the Iranians would reportedly gain access to ...
and that the Court of Justice in the Hague is not putting Hamas on trial forrealgenocide, including taking civilian hostages, firing rockets into Israel, swearing to keep attacking Israel until all the Jews are dead (as specified in its charter) and many other terroristic war crimes—all of...
support Israel? - Finally, I'm Asking Here's my two cents. What do we get from our support of Israel, besides frequent policy headaches? We get an ally in the Middle East (just mis-typed "Meddle East", hmm) although it is an ally that is not always desirable. They tend to be a...
The same cannot be said of Hezbollah’s armed interchanges with Israel across the Israel-Lebanon border. Once, more than 40 years ago, Hezbollah had a clear purpose in attacking Israel, but time and circumstances have eliminated it. As far as Hezbollah’s self-interest is now concerned – ...
Gas prices continue to rise, which is finally giving Republicans an issue. Mitt Romney is demanding the President open up more domestic drilling; the super PAC behind Rick Santorum just released a new ad in Louisiana blasting the President on gas prices; and the GOP is attacking the ...