But let’s talk more about money and inflation now. 现在我们来讨论一下货币和通胀。 Around the world, prices of things are rising more than normal, and more worrying is that prices keep going up. 在世界各地,商品价格的涨幅都超过正常水平,更令人担忧的是价格在持续上涨。 Two things in particular...
Why is unemployment bad for the economy and the nation? Why is unemployment an economic problem? Why might the GDP be increasing when the economy is in the recovery stage of the business cycle while unemployment is also increasing? Why is high unemployment bad? Why hasn't high in...
Despite a consumer-based economy, why inflation rate in US is so low? Despite savings based economy why the inflation rate in India is so high? Briefly explain why inflation is harmful to the economy. Why is it considered important to remain at a moderate (around ...
The weekend's events in the U.S. city of Charlottesville, which saw a White Supremacy rally in which an anti-racism protester was killed when a car was driven into a crowd, shows there "is a great difference," between Spain and the U.S. "where there has been a strong anti-immigrant...
Inflationis good when it is mild. There are two situations where this occurs. The first is wheninflation makes consumers expect prices to continue rising.When prices are going up, people want to buy now rather than pay more later. This increases demand in the short term. As a result, stor...
OK. We’ll find out if you’re right later on. But let’s talk more about money and inflation now. Around the world, prices of things are rising more than normal, and more worrying is that prices keep going up. Beth Two things in particular are increasing in price – energy, like ...
Disinflation.A falling rate of inflation or slowdown in the rise in prices of goods and services. Reflation.A way to curb deflation, when a government purposely stimulates the economy by increasing the money supply or government spending — such as the COVID stimulus payments. Reflation can also...
“Despite inflation, interest rates keep coming down. This is the goldilocks scenario for all real estate investors who get to take advantage of record low mortgage rates while also raising rents.” His response,“No. Rates keeps coming down because inflation is nowhere to be seen. Rest assured...
"A wage rising slower than the rate of inflation is actually falling."A.False. A higher wage increases purchasing power regardless of inflation.B.False. A higher wage decreases purchasing power regardless of inflation.C.True. If wages are increasing slower than the average price of goods and ...
that thecentral bankwon't raiseinterest ratesto sloweconomic growth. When inflation and interest rates are low, there is a greater opportunity for higher real earnings growth, increasing the amount people will pay for a company's earnings. The more people are willing to pay, the higher the P...