Deepchand moved to Delhi from his village 18 years ago. Yadav is a caste name. His caste members are traditionally cow herders, and as India has changed, they've spread through the nation, taking any job they can get, sending money back to the villages. He is part of postcaste India....
Such are the criticisms passed, such the “historical difficulty.” The culprits arraigned are fully alive to their perilous situation; nevertheless, they maintain the statement. The only thing which may perhaps here be objected to is, that the names of the two nations are incorrectly used. It...
There is also a school of some note in Southern California, the arch-rival of the University of California at Los Angeles, where the student body is named after the warriors of Troy. They say that history is written by the winners, who will flatter themselves; but the Iliad shows that ...
You need to be of a certain age to understand why so many people in Hollywood are caring about the possible closing down of Metro-Goldwyn-Mayer .For the past 40 years, its output has been good, but now it is on the ropes, with debts of $ 3.7 billion and
"Robots cannot improve processes. Only people can do that, and that is why they are always at the center of our attention." MITSURU KAWAI Head of manufacturing and executive vice president of Toyota → page 52 in this issue Think:Act 26 3 "We need the humility to recognize that...
These students are asking for what essentially constitute red-flag alerts to be placed, in some cases, upon the literature itself, or, at least, in class syllabuses, and invoked prior to lectures.” Now, this brings a few thoughts to mind. 1) A digital native generation that is entering...
May 2010 TED2010 Thomas Dolby: "Love Is a Loaded Pistol" 04:57May 2010 TEDIndia 2009 Anil Gupta: India's hidden hotbeds of invention 22:55May 2010 Mission Blue Voyage Jeremy Jackson: How we wrecked the ocean 18:19May 2010 TEDxPuget Sound Simon Sinek: How great leaders inspire action ...