There are several reasons why India is a poor country. Some have historical roots and others derive strength from socio-political structures. Lack of effective governance and corruption has only sustained Indian poverty.
India has a population of 1.3 billion, making it the second most populous country in the world. It’s on track to grow faster, even surpassing China’s population by around 2024. And that big population is also really young. India is...
This population growth trend has continued to this day, with Asia remaining the most populous continent on Earth due to larger family sizes and abundant food supplies. China and India, in particular, have seen exponential population growth over the past 200 years. While many other social, cultura...
With the trend of the shrinkage in population, demographers state that India may now become the most populous country in the world. What is the reason for the shrinking population of the most populous country? Since the decade of 1980s, the birth rat...
When it comes to name changes, though, the world's most populous nation, India, stands out. In the past few decades, it has replaced colonial and Muslim names with Hindu ones. Among the changes: Madras became Chennai; Calcutta...
its thirdbiggest democracy and its fourthmostpopulous country. With 276m people spread across thousands of islands that stretch from the Indian Ocean to the Pacific, it iscaught upin the strategic contest between America and ... And like India and other emerging markets, it is adapti...
India is a nation that is the second most populous nation in Asia and has also been identified to be the seventh greatest on the planet. One factor India has in abundance is gorgeous girls; watching a few Bollywood films ought to immediately prove that. But if you want additional proof of...
"I am targeting a turnover of $20 million in the next 3 years. An investment of $2,000 in Mandarin speaking is a small price to pay. I don't see any country matching China's labor or cost efficiencies," he told CNBC. As the world's two most populous nations China and India work...
Why is Asia so food insecure? Only two countries from Asia Pacific—Singapore and Australia—feature in a global ranking of food security. How can the world’s most populous region improve food security? Farmers in Madhya Pradesh, India, during monsoon weather. Changes in the climate are just...
What is comparative advantage? How does it explain the existence of trade between two nations? Why is it better than absolute advantage in explaining trade patterns? What trade theories support the recent rise of China and India on a global stage?