There are several reasons why India is a poor country. Some have historical roots and others derive strength from socio-political structures. Lack of effective governance and corruption has only sustained Indian poverty.
Huawei is back in the limelight. Curiously, the problem is not one of Chinese state interference but of sloppy software development. I’ll get to that, but first, let’s take an illustrated tour of the Huawei story. A casual Huawei timeline 2001 –Huawei India faces allegations that it had...
Quora has far surpassed wiseGEEK’s traffic. This could be due to better functionality and marketing, or a modern design. But that’s a question for another day. Drudge Report The Drudge Report is a top 1,000 site in terms of traffic, but a bottom 1,000 site in terms of design. It...
One forum on the question-and-answer platform Quora crowdsourced some of the best flight and airport hacks from seasoned travelers. In addition to tips like wearing shoes that slip off at security and asking for the whole can of soda when the beverage trolly makes its rounds, there were a ...
So I just do what I can, where I am. Although some might think two months is a long time to spend somewhere, it’s not. I suspect I could spend a lifetime discovering Tokyo alone, let alone Japan as a country. This is simply my impression of the place given my time here, and ...
P.S. This post is a stand-alone extension of a short answer I wrote on Quora for a relatable problem students face –“I end up procrastinating and spending my entire day using my phone when I have to study. I am really scared for myself. I seriously need help. What can I do?...
I am from a coastal region along the Western Ghats in India. Rice was our staple diet. We still grow White Rice contained in a pink kernel. However the process of whitening the Rice also called “Polishing Rice” was introduced like few decades ago. I am not sure if that causes any nu...
Of course, it is not an easy life – anybody who has lived in India (not Goa or Rishikesh) will tell you that it is a far cry from the romanticised hippie version that the yogis like to promote However, I read travel blogs constantly and am often made to feel that having a ...
2. china has so many people but so few nobel laureates. perhaps to some the nobel label is rather important yardstick. i think another important measure is the standard or the average of a population. for countries like china, education standard is going up. for america, except for pockets...