On its most basic level, hydrogen fuel contains less energy per unit volume than the fossil fuels it would be replacing. Therefore, according to theUS Department of Energy(DoE), “transporting, storing, and delivering it to the point of end-use is more expensive on a per gasoline gallon eq...
Crude oil is one of the world’s most important commodities, and its price can have ripple effects through the broader economy. Rising oil prices mean higher gasoline prices at the pump, higher shipping costs, and increased input costs for producers. Crude oil prices are driven mainly by the ...
Why may hydrogen not be advantageous as a fuel? Why is CH4 not capable of forming hydrogen bonds? Why can sugar dissolve in cooking oil? Why can't the Williamson ether synthesis be used to prepare diphenyl ether? Why does sugar dissolve well in water?
The upshot is this: for a given volume of intake air, a diesel engine simply can’t burn nearly as much fuel as a gasoline engine can; it has to run very lean to avoid smoking massively. And this explains why a diesel inherently makes less torque and power than a com...
will focus its fuel cell research on gasoline. Development of a technology to convert gasoline into hydrogen; Target number of vehicles that will utilize the gasoline fuel cells; Focus of the other major automobile manufacturers' fuel cell research. INSET: GM divisions shared duties on engine ...
Two years ago, Congress ordered the nation’s gasoline refiners to do something that is turning out to be mathematically impossible. To please the farm lobby and to help wean the nation off oil, Congress mandated that refiners blend a rising volume of ethanol and other biofuels into gasoline....
This is accomplished via combustion (hence the "internal combustion engine" name), which requires the mixing of gasoline with air. Before the rise of fuel injection systems, almost all car engines performed this task with a device called a carburetor, but given the relative scarcity of the ...
According to AAA, gas stations will soon switch over to the summer blend fuel. That gas is better for the environment in warmer weather. But it also costs more to make. Massachusetts gas prices have gone up about 5 cents over the last week, at around $3.37 per gallon. "Oil prices took...
Petroleum, also called crude oil, is a naturally occurring liquid found beneath the earth’s surface that can be refined into fuel.
Will it work commercially?, who knows but it looks promising and if it does that alone is enough to hydrogen a viable fuel for transportation. Even with the losses in the fuel cell the energy density is there compared to batteries and the efficiency is still way better than the ...