Why hormone therapy fails - The Scientist - Magazine of the Life SciencesJuhi Yajnik
Ways to receive hormone therapy include pills and injections. Surgery to remove ovaries or testicles is also considered hormone therapy. But hormone therapy for cancer is not the same as hormone therapy used to relievemenopause symptoms. Hormone therapy is usually used with other treatments. It can...
Orgasm releases oxytocin, a special hormone that creates emotional bonding. Another important aspect to orgasm is how it drains blood from both engorged sex organs that has created their erections. Without an ejaculation, men call the remaining discomfort “Blue Balls.” When women don’t hav...
I'm Dr Richard Isaacson, director of the Alzheimer's Prevention Clinic at Weill Cornell Medicine and NewYork-Presbyterian. Hormone replacement therapy(HRT) for Alzheimer's prevention is a loaded topic, around which there are a lot of differing opinions out there. Over the past 5 years, I can...
In the experiment with hormone replacement therapy, if a hormone such as testosterone were used in place of estrogen, what effects would be seen? Why do certain body types build muscle faster than others? 1. Is it due to genetics? If so, how? 2. Is it ...
as well as hormone therapy if needed. Itchy spots can be treated with full-strength apple cider vinegar, which will stop the scratching. If the skin is broken, the vinegar can be diluted half and half with water. Chilled chamomile tea may soothe minor skin irritations and kill yeast and ba...
It lowers their levels of the hormone testosterone, which helps radiation therapy work better. But it can also cause vasomotor symptoms like hot flashes and night sweats. If your treatment is temporary, the flashes should go away a few months after it stops. But for some men, it’s ...
Morning light therapy Oscar Wong/Getty Images As mentioned above, our bodies are most sensitive to light from about 2 hours before bedtime until about an hour after we wake up. Because of this natural cycle, light therapy is generally most effective when it occurs early in the morning, within...
Jonsson Comprehensive Cancer Center give insight into how cells use energy to influence the way prostate tumors survive and grow—advancements that can help explain why some prostate cancers become resistant to hormone therapy, the most commonly used treatment for men with advanced stages of the ...
The benefits of oestrogen following menopause: why hormone replacement therapy should be offered to postmenopausal women. Med. J. Aust. 190, 321-325.Wren, B.G. (2009). The benefits of oestrogen following menopause: why hor- mone replacement therapy should be offered to postmenopausal women. ...