One of my goals in theSweet, Sweet Summer serieswas to explorewhether there reallyare“more natural” sweeteners and “healthier” sweetenersthan refined white sugar. Before I tackle that big issue, I think it’s important to lay the foundation of why we’re even asking those questions.Is wh...
Comparing raw milk with pasteurized milk is akin to comparing table sugar with honey. Both have a similar macronutrient profile but differ vastly in their micronutrient composition. Source: An important aspect of discussing the pros and cons of consum...
Ditch the sugar and use natural sweeteners– When you’re making coffee or tea, replace thewhite sugaryou usually use with natural sweeteners like honey or molasses. Just use white sugar for recipes that have no other alternative for this ingredient. 25 Reasons Why You Should Eat Real Food No...
Watermelon is a naturally sweet fruit, and your body may crave it as a way to satisfy its need for sugar. Unlike processed sugars, the natural sugars found in fruits like watermelon come with fiber, vitamins, and minerals, making them a healthier option for curbing a sugar craving. If yo...
Unprocessed whole-grain hot cereals contain fiber without the added sugar. Here’s a short list of commonly consumed breakfast grains offering high fiber and low sugar. What are the health benefits of plant-sourced fiber? As fiber travels through the gut, it enhances health by: ...
You may well be eating more processed foods than you realize. You may well now ask then are all processed foods unhealthy. The answer here is not necessarily; however, it is important to note that even the healthier options still contain more salt, sugar and for many still contain u...
Additionally, many nutritional studies that suggest a plant-based diet is healthier than a “regular” diet don’t takehealthy user biasinto account. What that means is that most people who follow a vegan (or plant-based) diet are more conscious about their health and do other things to sup...
apples are high in vitamins and they’re low in fat. But there are over four teaspoons of sugar in every apple, so eating too many can be bad for your teeth. Eating different types of fruit and vegetables every day is what really keeps the doctor away. 3. Eating food cooked in oil ...
Blood sugar is regulated primarily by insulin. Our body temperature is regulated by our thyroid hormones and so on. But we believe that we can grow endlessly fat. The pathways by which we gain weight are numerous and not completely known yet. New hormones regulating our weight are discovered...
However, Kelloggs just produced a new Rice Krispies, labelled “gluten free” and “sugar smart.” Aside from having way too high a concentration of some vitamins and minerals, it contains BHT *within* the cereal itself. Apparently this is added to preserve the (synthetic) vitamins. Erewhon ...