Biodiesel is a hygroscopic substance as it has the ability to absorb water. The viscosity of biodiesel is 313 k and it has a range of 3.6 to 5.0 cSt. Answer and Explanation: Learn more about this topic: Organic vs. Inorganic Compounds | Differences & Examples ...
Water, Water Why is it so wonderful? What Makes Water Unique? Water has the greatest thermal conductivity except for mercury Water can act as either an acid or a base but is neutral Water has high melting and freezing points Water is the most universal solvent Water has the highest surface ...
H. Reference Book of Inorganic Chemistry; Macmillan: New York, 1940. (Open in a new window)Google Scholar Lavoisier, A. L. Elements of Chemistry; Dover: New York, 1984 (unabridged facsimile reprinting of original (1790) Kerr translation). (Open in a new window)Google Scholar...
European Journal of Inorganic ChemistryWhy Does the Coordination Mode of Physiological Bis( L ‐histidinato)copper(II) Differ in the Gas Phase, Crystal Lattice, and Aqueous Solutions? A Quantum Chemical Study[J] . Marijana Markovi?,Michael Ramek,Jasmina Sabolovi?.Eur. J. Inorg. Chem. . ...
Which of the following statements about enzymes is incorrect? A. They are equal to inorganic catalysts in efficiency. B. They are proteins that catalyze specific biologic reactions. C. Several hund Which one of the following statement...
Activated carbon filter cartridge options:Activated carbon effectively asdorbs (chemically attaches to thus removing from water), organic compounds, inorganic compounds and chemicals, like chlorine and iodine, and thus improves the odor and flavor of water. Howver, activated carbon f...
Step-by-Step Solution:1. Understanding the Borax Bead Test: The borax bead test is a qualitative analysis technique used to identify the presence of certain metal ions in a sample. The test involves heating a m
Stage 1 of Cellular Respiration is this sugar splitting stage. How many Net ATP does it produce? What energy storing molecules are made during Glycolysis, Acetyl Co-A production, and the Kreb cycle that are USED in the final stage of Cellular Respiration?
1) combustible/organic compounds, and 2) toxic/inorganic compounds. And there is some considerable overlap between these broad categories. Organic (hydrocarbon) compounds are generally also toxic as well as being combustible. And a few inorganic (non-hydrocarbon) compounds may also be combustible as...
Such calculations need to include reactions of Fe3+ with water (called hydrolysis) as well as speciation reactions of Fe3+ with inorganic and organic ligands. The hydrolysis reactions are written in the form of: Fe3+ + H2O 鈫 FeOH2+ + H+ The organic complexation (e.g. with ...