He developed a greenhouse — like facility that treated sewage (污水) from 1,600 homes in South Burlington. He also designed an eco-machine to clean canal water in Fuzhou, a city in southeast China. “Ecological design” is the name John gives to what he does. “Life on Earth is kind...
Corporate sustainability aims to ensure that businesses operate in an ethical, responsible, and sustainable manner, and that they contribute to the well-being of the communities in which they operate. By addressing a wide range of issues, such as reducing greenhouse gas emissions, improving working...
theory is not only mistaken, it is physically impossible. It“just ain’t so.”This stark dichotomy framesthe 2021 Crisis in Climate Scienceat a time when climate scientists are saying we must make important, difficult, and expensive decisions to reduce greenhouse-gas emissions as soon as ...
There is also data that needs to be collected from the physical world, Mennel said. "You need to integrate physical sensors; you need to integrate satellite data; you may need to work with digital twins to understand changes in the physical world and how that affects the company," he said...
Through the 2010s, companies that followed the Greenhouse Gas Protocol began to achieve net zero Scope 2 emissions on paper. But shortly thereafter, many began to understand that their energy use still resulted in significant Scope 2 carbon emissions. ...
When was the last time you took action in response to a metric about your purpose? Perhaps even more important: What is not currently being measured or reported that society will hold you accountable for in the future—such as the greenhouse-gas emissions associated with your indus...
Low pH is found in the stomach to facilitate digestion, why isn't low pH a health problem? Why is Ca2+ more important than Mg2+ in biological processes? Why do researchers use electron microscopy of cells with immunogold labeling? Why is methane the worst greenhouse gas? Is it just because...
We analysed governments’ long-term strategies submitted to the UNFCCC to explore projections of residual emissions, including amounts and sectors. We found substantial levels of residual emissions at net-zero greenhouse gas emissions, on average 18% of current emissions for Annex I countries. The ...
An environmental perspective tries to minimize greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, while a social perspective seeks to understand the diverse acceptability criteria required by relevant government bodies, regulators, utility operators and community members [26]. Previous studies conducted in the context of ...
As Amazon’s distribution network grows, the company must sustainably address its greenhouse gas emissions. In the United States, Amazon Prime is particularly polluting because of the promise of 1 or 2-day delivery.LegalLarge organizations that operate in many countries must have a detailed ...