The Gen Z queers I spoke with also rejected transmedicalism, the idea that one must suffer through gender dysphoria and need surgery to be trans. They all agreed that a person is trans or nonbinary from the moment they determine they are. There was agreement that the debate around trans m...
In roughly the same period, Hollywood studios scrambled to build, program and market streaming platforms that could compete with Netflix — destroying a lucrative business model in the process — only to discover that millennial and Gen Z viewers had begun to abandon traditional movies and TV show...
I could start liking Zbig better if his reign meant a limit to Israel’s hubris, but not at the expense of general World War. What about Zbig’s alleged anti-Russian bias, and alleged desire to see Russia balkanized. Brother Nathanael, you are a friend to Russia, and Zbig is ...
Basically, ivermectin is the stand-in for, or rather the second coming of HCQ, and it seems the same kind of travesty is unfolding. Hopefully on a smaller scale though, because vaccines are being rolled out already, and if those indeed work at least half-way as announced, we might have ...
Conducting a pilot prior to the main study can enhance the likelihood of success of the main study and potentially help to avoid doomed main studies. The objective of this paper is to provide a detailed examination of the key aspects of pilot studies for phase III trials including: 1) the ...
There is no doubt that the regime of Saddam Hussein possesses weapons of mass destruction. As this operation continues, those weapons will be identified, found, along with the people who have produced them and who guard them.- Gen. Tommy Franks - March 22, 2003 ...
But just as often – maybe even more often – is something less objective, less holy. Though we prefer to believe that the world truly works on a merit system and rewards top performers, there are dark reasons why good workers don’t get promoted. Here are seven of them, and I’ll ...
This is about the time when I noticed the uncanny resemblance this ‘doomed EU’ narrative has to a particular brand of doom and gloom that we might as well call ‘self-destructing Ukraine’. Yes, it is pretty popular. What’s even worse is that sometimes it seems that people actually ...
Annoying, because Radiohead aren’t supposed to be like this. They are the band who chart feelings of alienation, but this is surely taking things a stage too far. We lovers of modern music don’t like to think of ourselves as mere consumers. When we buy washing-powder we don’t pore...
friends. It is not out of any malice that facts are placed but to simply make people ask themselves whether they are going to continue to be misled by a handful of self-centred people who do not care for anyone but themselves and who are using the system to create anarchy throughout ...