1, AFTER AMERICA and its allies/toppledthe Taliban in 2001, primary-schoolenrolmentof Afghan girlsrosefrom 0% to above 80%. Infantmortalityfell by half. Forced marriage was madeillegal. Many of those schools wereropy, and many familiesignoredthe law.Butno one seriously doubts/ that Afghan wom...
In the UK, FGM is illegal. In 2019, a woman from Ugandabecamethe first to be jailed for having subjected her three-year-old daughter to FGM. According to the activists’data, around 137,000 women living in the country have undergone the procedure, while some 60,000 girls under 15 are ...
You can tell that when you are, if ever going to “need” the pill (not everyone is having sex, it is perfectly normal, and there are other contraceptive methods for those who do) you will get it, but from a doctor who follows current guidelines and prescribes it without unnecessary a...
London — Plan International says crisis is undermining efforts to end the ancient practice in Somalia which has the world's highest FGM rate Read more 0Likes 0Shares fave Source: allAfrica.com South Africa: The Continued Threat of Coal Mining At the Mapungubwe World Heritage Site The Ma...