Is softener bad for clothes? Softeners are not even good for clothing. They can stain whites and leave residue in machines. The soft coating builds up over time, impeding absorption, which is why athletic wear should never be laundered with a softener. How do I know if my water softener ...
Something I do in between washings, is I hang clothes for the first time with all of the hangers facing one way, then if they are not dirty, I hang them back up and face the hook of the hanger in the opposite direction, so then I will know I have worn it and will throw it in...
So why is one good for you like the complex carb and one not as good like the simple carb? More about this a little further down in the article but, it depends on their chemical makeup. The simpler the carb is considered bad for all it contains is sugar....
Toluene is a known central nervous system depressant. Ethylbenzene is a carcinogen. Dipentene is a skin irritant. Styrene is a respiratory irritant. Know that you know, do you really want your precious one (or yourself) to be inhaling and touching all of these known toxins? Related: Get the...
is to wash whites first inchlorine bleach. Follow this up with a load of underwear, using hot water and color-safe bleach substitute. Once a month, you should add bleach and run an empty cycle. This sanitizes your machine and helps to reduce the number of bacteria found on your clothes...
I was thinking about how you said when you lay on your pillow the chemicals from your hair care products can enter your blood stream, so I suppose that would also be true for what you wash your clothes/sheets with? Weird question I know, but just curious! Reply Food Babe says: ...
Allergies can also trigger eczema-like rashes, said Dr. Kim. You may, for example, be allergic to the laundry detergent you use to wash your clothes. "If itching starts suddenly out of the blue, one of the first things you should ask is whether you could be using or wearing something ...
s Mayonnaise and Comfort fabric softener – wanted to raise wholesale prices by 10 percent to offset the money they were losing from the falling pound (they’re an international company, so the £1.50 people spent on Marmite – which, last year, was worth as much as $3 – is now only...