Generalissimo Francisco Franco Is Still Dead | SNL Prague 1968: Lost Images of the Day That Freedom Died | The Guardian Remembering 1968: Chicago’s Bloody Democratic Convention | CBS What Steven Pinker’s Enlightenment Now Can Teach to Journalism | Piero Macchioni ...
These research methods make objective that which is thought to be only subjective. Visual design can be measured, rated, and scaled to the benefit of users and those who develop such interfaces. The actual dimensions of appropriate and winning visual design vary widely, depending on the ...
My unconfirmed suspicion (regarding the ratios above) is that more men are willing to rise to the level of women's social standards, than women are willing to put up with the BS that goes on in mostly male groups. Your loving, Uncle Dark P.S. To correct a minor error above, the ...
and a perfectly cast Josh Brolin as Cable, the ideal strong silent-type foil to motormouthed Deadpool. The sequence introducing X-Force is the one of the funniest sustained jokes in anything on this list. (Just stick with the original R-rated cut. The PG-13 version is a...
So if you drive a car that is big and running on gasoline, that will not necesarility mean that it has to be evil. Force of evil is proportional to a gravitational factor. Fn = summation of dummies and meanies. I can prove it, but I will get shot if I do it because they don’...
St. Peter can no longer say, as he did at the beauti- ful gate, 'Silver and gold have I none.' ' "Alas, 'tis true," answered St. Thomas. "Neither can he say, 'In the name of Jesus Christ, rise up and walk.' ' This loss of power is not peculiar to any one communion. Sp...