Yup. I am not a fan of birthday cake. I am, however, a huge fan of pie. So every year, I make myself a Strawberry Rhubarb Birthday Pie. This is my favorite pie, and was the subject of one of my early blog posts which you can read here. So enjoy your cake, pie or ...
Once again, Buc-ee’s has taken a staple of gas station snacks and beaver-fied it. These gummies are the perfect combination of sweet, spicy and salty thanks to their chamoy coating. Chamoy is a popular Mexican condiment that is made from pickled fruit, chilies and lime. Open this bag a...
With the promise of anonymity for those I spoke to, I reached out to a number of governing bodies in the UK and asked what they are doing to encourage diversity in their respective sports – the response was unexpected; everything from “We don’t have the resources,” and “Yeah, well...
Yet only 1% of the country's supply is made through the traditional method of barrel aging. 然而却只有1%的日本酱油是用传统的木桶发酵法制作的。 That's because it can take four years for one batch to go from barrel to bottle. 这是因为木桶发酵法制作一批酱油需要四年,才能实现从木桶到玻璃瓶。
So we see a hard thing as an opportunity to test our faith, strengthen our faith, or prove our faith.Attitude is everything when it comes to hard things, like loss, pain, temptation or any sort of testing. I have a podcast called“Excel Still More.”The idea is to use practical dail...
It certainly happened to Kim. "I remember after working at French restaurants and tasting butter all day, I would crave Korean food every night," he said. "I think Korean food is a great opposite from the rich European food New York chefs work with." ...
I always take some bread and salty snacks for my walks – and for home as well – from the best bakeries. After several years of tasting and testing, I prefer three bakeries. One of them isJókenyér Bakery, the other one isLipóti Bakeryand the third one isArtizan Bakery. ...
"Ping-Pong Pleasure" refers to an ingestion pattern, in which people tend to alternate between foods that cleanse the palate, like drinking beer (which is low sodium) with salty snacks, or wine with food (wine is very low sodium and acidic). Studies indicate that the brain has a craving...