I need to experience it myself. That is what the mirror neurons are doing. They help me to feel your pain. I experience the same pain as if someone were to hurtmedirectly. That is the basis for all empathy.”
When Willy Wonka professed his love forGobstoppers in the movie “Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory,”everyone started popping these small jawbreakers into their mouths. The candy, which changes colors and flavors, was named for the character Everlasting Gobstopper in the classic book “Charlie ...
José Luis Ricón,Ada Nguyen,Anastasia Kuptsova,Matt Kovacs-Deak,Basil Halperin,Mark Egan,Maxim Efremov, and especiallySteve Gaddfor reading drafts of this essay. They have improved it immeasurably. All remaining errors are mine.
2. If there is truly no Safe Exchange Zone in South Jersey, let's share this article far and wide so we can get the attention of our local law enforcement so one can be made. The safer everyone is, the better. Happy exchanging! Take a look at what this space is all about on the...
oops rick perry didn’t realize he’d be in charge of america’s nukes as it turns out, the department of energy has little to do with oil, as perry assumed, and everything to do with overseeing america’s vast, and terrifying, nuclear arsenal. by tina nguyen north korea trump ...
In high school, when romance seemed a far-off dream for me, there was one summer between junior and senior year when a white boy named Connor paid me extra attention, and it felt like every summer romance I’d dreamed. We snuck out of our houses to meet each other at night, ...
Dec 2011 TEDMED 2011 Quyen Nguyen: Color-coded surgery 16:08Dec 2011 TEDGlobal 2011 Monika Bulaj: The hidden light of Afghanistan 04:44Dec 2011 TEDSalon NY2011 Stefon Harris: There are no mistakes on the bandstand 13:11Dec 2011 TEDMED 2011 Yoav Medan: Ultrasound surgery -- healing without...