用于电子元件的半导体具有高性能和高密度,并且制造工艺经过改进以缩小尺寸。缩小尺寸后往往会降低元件对ESD的耐受性。鉴于通过USB连接设备的机会很多,ESD保护正日益彰显其重要性。 返回二极管相关FAQ 在新窗口打开 网站地图 半导体产品 功率半导体 MOSFET IGBT/IEGT 隔离器/固态继电器 电源管...
As kids move into their teenager years, friends and friendships play an important role in teenager life as a way of getting personal enjoyment and social learning. Most teenagers will have friends who parents either like or dislike. However, it is important to keep in mind that one way teenag...
Transmission line pulse testing is an important analysis tool when designing and evaluating system ESD protection. While it doesn’t perfectly correlate to industry ESD standards, it provides a very close first approximation by allowing comparison of internal IC protection structures to external TVS devi...
Surface mount technology has been widely used since the 1980s. This is because the SMT process is automated, meaning it saves time and costs for both the manufacturer and the customer. Previous methods used hand wiring through holes between the boards to bring components together, meaning this n...
A chassis is the physical frame or structure of a computer or electronic device that supports its internal components and provides protection from damage. It is the backbone of the device, and everything is built upon it. What are the common materials used for constructing a chassis?
The 30 Ohms on the input and output of U1 provide 'sorta' ESD protection - better than nothing The TVS's clamp the voltage of the Drains of the 100Vds(max) power-MOSFETs to 77.4Vpeak to prevent avalanche failure of the MOSFETs. The TVS's can handle 7.8A peak for 10/1000us, repeti...
a[[0034] An electrostatic discharge (ESD) protection device comprises a well region formed from semiconductor material with a first doping type, a floating base formed from semiconductor material with a second doping type, the floating base disposed vertically above the well region, a first terminal...
to operate. These diodes serve as ESD clamp protection and turn on as needed, whereas the pull-up and pull-down components are responsible for the driving behavior of the buffer during high and low state. Thus, the pull-up and pull-down data are taken when th...
Once the latch-up is triggered, the only way to stop it is by removing the applied voltage and interrupting the current flow. Another way a damaging condition can occur on power up is when the input is part of a separate IC where an ESD protection device is part of the design. These ...
Why does Windows 10 lock when monitor times out (ex. after 5 minutes), when lock is set to a longer time and there is no screensaver. It is completely idiotic to lock the PC when you want the monitor to shut down (energy savings, monitor lifespan, because I feel like it...), ...