Single embryo transfer: Why and how to identify the embryo with the best developmental potentialAila Tiitinen Professor of Reproductive MedicineBest Practice & Research Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism
In O.L.G.A. Clinic the chance of a live birth in all programmes with own eggs and PGT-A is 49% after 1 embryo transfer, with donor eggs and embryos — 55,7%. That makes it on average 2-3 embryo transfers before our patients get pregnant and deliver their babies. An individually c...
Perinatal and other outcomes are significantly worse with twins compared with singleton pregnancies and there is an urgent need to reduce multiple pregnancy rates to at least 10%. This has been achieved in several countries and clinics by introducing single embryo transfer but there are many ...
It is reasonable to expect, therefore, that pregnancy success would be higher for embryo transfer (ET) recipients than for inseminated females. This expectation is not usually met unless the recipient is exposed to heat stress or is classified as a repeat-breeder female. Rather, pregnancy success...
Here is one important takeaway: themes interact with WordPress (and WordPress with themes) the exact same way that WordPress interacts with itself. Give that a second read, and then we’ll digest. The same core WordPress functions that themes use are used by WordPress itself. The same action...
Luke:There’s a difference between ‘natural viability’ and ‘artificial viability’ in that it shouldn’t matter that we have the technology that’s so good we could save them, what matters is what would happen to them if we didn’t have that technology. ...
Is everyone ready ??. A lot more expert non-flawed proof will follow . 2.) The same kind of conclusion can be made from the scientific investigation into the dangers of soy, as has been made by Physicians and Scientists for Responsible Application of Science and Technology, PSRAST, after ...
Once the rest of the system is used to having a second heart, a person could grow stronger and have more endurance [source: Martin]. But the same can't be said for your brain. The brain is already getting more than enough blood to it, so it wouldn't function at a higher level, ...
(double haploid technology using wheat and corn crosses along with embryo rescue and colchicine gene doubling); hybrid corn parent lines (double haploid to get homozygosity in 1 generation); Seedless tangerines and mandarins (mutations through irradiation); Brassica hybrids (cell fusion from radish ...
As the use of sexed semen generates herd replacements and additional heifers, we propose the transfer of a single female cattle embryo into cows that are not suitable for producing replacements, and follicular drainage in lactating cows with genetic merit. This should eliminate economic losses ...