Educational gender gap research tries to explain the differential achievement of boys and girls at secondary school, which manifests in many western countries. Several explanatory frameworks are used for this purpose, such as masculinities theory. In this review article, the history of educational gend...
Girl's education is universally recognized in the International Development community as an important aspect of development. Educating a woman has a significant impact on her opportunities and her community as a whole. Despite the many positive effects of educating girls, girls attend school at a lo...
research suggests that for some, fat is a symptom of underlying distress and compulsive eating as a coping mechanism for this gendered anguish. For others, higher rates of “obesity” among poor women and women of color is a scandalous form of environmental injustice necessitating policy ...
One exception is Iran, where 60 per cent of physics undergraduates are women. “Some of the Middle Eastern countries provide well-balanced opportunities with segregated education,” says Gillian Butcher, who chairs theInternational Union of Pure and Applied Physics’s working group o...
Equally ripe for study is the gendered face of American legal education, particularly as legal educators are challenged to change and, I posit, to engage in "feminine" behavior: 1) to work communally rather than individually and 2) to adapt and change in a new economy. This "call for ...
“gendered” nature of spiritual symbolism in the face of advancements in science and communication is myopic and absurd. Even a brief Google search on intersex biology and human chromosomal variation would INSTANTLY liquefy any characterization of masculine, feminine, or “blended” symbolic qualities ...
This chapter asks: why is ethnography the right approach for studies of the interactions and relations between humans and other animals? Our focus is on ethnography (rather than other qualitative approaches) for two reasons. The first is because it has been infused by a strong liberal and emanci...
If I get a C, I am a C kind of person" (Talking about Leaving Revisited: Persistence, Relocation, and Loss in Undergraduate STEM Education, 2019). A GA, which is the difference between a student's GPA and their grade in a specific course, may challenge or reinforce students' ideas ...
Academy of Management Learning & Education, 10, 374–396. doi:10.5465/amle.2010.0012. Article Google Scholar Avolio, B. J. (1999). Full leadership development: Building the vital forces in organizations. Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications. Google Scholar Avolio, B. J., Rotundo, M., &...
I aim to fill this gap by bringing together two distinct but interrelated strands of the business ethics literature to argue why and illustrate how the financial institution, specifically the retail bank, plays a vital role in society's response to financial abuse as IPV. The first is systemic...