他们正是造成末世中离道反教的背后势力,其最终目标是引导世间的男女去跟随 路西法, 既撒但,可牠们无法公开行事, 只能借助于不正当的手段"(Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.,The Defender's Study Bible,World Publishers, 1995, 第1345页; 有关提摩太前书4:1的诠注 )。 虽然我不同意他对基督宝血的看法,麦加...
–Ecclesiasticus 4:28-29 People the world over LIKE ‘Moral Relevatism”, they LIKE ‘creating their own realities’ – comes with the intergenerational lingering psycho-spiritual affects of EVIL as a result of Human Race’s “Original Sin”. And the personal ‘hard-core’ psycho-spiritual ...
“Why should the kings of Assyria come and find plenty of water?” they said.King James BibleSo there was gathered much people together, who stopped all the fountains, and the brook that ran through the midst of the land, saying, Why should the kings of Assyria come, and find much ...
他們正是造成末世中離道反教的背後勢力,其最終目標是引導世間的男女去跟隨 路西法, 既撒但,可牠們無法公開行事, 只能借助於不正當的手段"(Henry M. Morris, Ph.D.,The Defender's Study Bible,World Publishers, 1995, 第1345頁; 有關提摩太前書4:1的詮注 )。 雖然我不同意他對基督寶血的看法,麥加瑟博士...