Why is it important that a wave function is normalized? What is the use of Maxwell's equation in integral form? Why AC (Alternating Current) is sinusoidal or alternating? Calculate the divergence and curl of the following functions: (A) y1 = y i + xz^2 j + xy^3 k, (B) y2 = z...
This is just the curl equation of the inducedelectric field. This equation alone is not enough to accurately describe the evolution of the electromagnetic system. At least the divergence equation of the induced electric field should be added. qϵ0=−∇⋅(u×B) When an ideal conductor c...
Malebranche’s occasionalism, and Leibniz–Wolff pre-established harmony. Occasionalism held that there is no causal influence from finite minds (such as ours) to the physical world; only God, an infinite mind, could act on the physical world, because it would be impossible...
their own states within bounds prescribed by their phenotype. This is usually modeled as the minimization of divergence between the organisms’ expected and actual states, which is formally equivalent to the minimization of the long-term average of an information-theoretic quantity of expected free ...