//@敬下一个遗体及终点://@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot:真好啊//@一个好町 ://@梅蒂欣_ : 不是挺好的吗(//@龍宮輝夜 ://@可口可乐厨 ://@渡辺_杯 :真好//@毛蟲吃屎 :这男的好温柔[泪][赞]//@日本笑死我了 :请火速...
With Viz Media publishing Golden Wind for the first time in English, now is the perfect time to explore its impact on Jojo's Bizarre Adventure.
making them tedious to go through at times. The conflict between the Joestars and DIO had clearly become exhausted by the time ofJoJo's Bizarre Adventure:Golden Windas well, with Giorno’s parentage only serving as a means of making him a Joestar, and Diavolo’s connection to DIO being ra...
Climbing the Via Ferrata del Diavolo in Andermatt, Switzerland was no easy task. It’s human nature to stick to what we’re comfortable with, what we’re good at, and what won’t make you go “Oh hell no!” The thing is, you don’t know what you don’t know and what Competitou...
还有视频…//@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot:可以但没必要//@Billy_Alter :我還沒吃晚飯我就飽了//@御剣実花 :圈外人目瞪口呆//@延夏孙笑川 :。。。【转发】@Rico生活頻道:传说中万人血书的典、明、粥、在这一刻!终...
草草草草草草草草//@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot:这是迪亚波罗,迪亚波罗为了隐藏自己的身份从来不出门。他在家里宅了十几年。直到为了抢虫箭才出现。迪亚波罗是热情的老板而且很聪明,学学走运的迪亚波罗,不要出门。(最好在抢箭的时候确认旁边没有15岁会弹钢琴的男孩再出门) ...
草//@山風時雨欲满楼://@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot:加我一个//@马大哒打贼 :哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈哈快给大卫社看看//@織式_ :加我一个//@敌人控制器 :草//@地瓜酱_写作业去了 :谁把链接发给大卫社(不是//@永恒的爱大约持续三个月 :???//@catknows ://@祝棠想吃垃圾食品 :……??? @...
hso//@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot:指指点点//@投不想 :指指点点【转发】@·鞠凶·:为了不把内搭露出来把领子剪得很低选了条能展示太洸漂亮的屁股的裤子还盼着裤子在动作的时候坏掉你们Drive剧组到底把chase当成什...
//@沖田総湿://@why_diavolo_is_so_hot_bot://@苏联红星 ://@凉宫春日的虎式 :最让我钦佩的是肖斯塔科维奇的几场演奏会在列宁格勒被围城时间基本座无虚席,列宁格勒的居民们都快要饿死了,却依然没有放弃对音乐的喜爱,列宁格勒能被攻下来才有鬼了//@泉镜花 :转发微博 ...