Destiny isn't even a F2P and requires more grinding than Warframe. The even sadder part is that Destiny's DLC is ridiculously expensive and trading is NOT a part of Destiny. Saying this in the nicest way possible, you obviously have never played Destiny. The top tier stuff, Legendaries a...
Destiny, again, is an excellent example of a game that heavily reuses assets. Kelly Snyder, a developer who worked at Bungie, shed light on how Bungie reuses assets: Aksis in Destiny 1 is actually just a heavily modified spider tank. This is why 3 of coins doesn't work on him- on ...
The way people consume games is changing, and if we can see it, then so can the biggest gaming manufacturer in the world. The reality is that titles like Fortnite and Destiny transcend the traditional release model, where they’re almost platforms in and of themselves – evolving, updating,...
Destiny is a weird one though, as of the release of TTK, Bungie are releasing further story and multiplayer for free, development of which will be presumably funded via these microtransactions. I don't think that the dlc pricing was fair up to this point (especially when the legendary ...