Almost all pufferfish contain tetrodotoxin, a substance that makes themfoul tasting and often lethal to fish. To humans, tetrodotoxin is deadly, up to 1,200 times more poisonous than cyanide. There is enough toxin in one pufferfish to kill 30 adult humans, and there is no known antidote. I...
Why is carbon monoxide (CO) toxic to aerobic organisms? What makes a molecule toxic? Explain why CO is toxic to a PEM fuel cell and how this can be overcome. Why are carcinogens (such as nickel and radon) a concern to people? Why are cyanide compounds lethal to humans and where are ...
Cyanide inhibits complex IV of the electron transport train, but why is this lethal? How does coal lead to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere? Why aren't we producing oxygen at laboratory? Which air pollution can affect the bloodstream leading to death? Why do trees in a ghost fo...
In comparison, the LD50 of sodium cyanide (a very toxic chemical) is 4.8 mg/kg for oral ingestion. That means a human would reach a possibly fatal toxicity level with only 336 mg (an amount that's about a third of the size of an M&M). CHEMICAL SAFETY IN DIYBIO | 41 Resources 1....
Is there a Hubble microscope? Dale Dude, good one! Send e-mail to Bart|Discuss it on The BartCop Forum|Comment on it at the BartBlog Read about our new courtroom campaign to save whales and other marine mammals worldwide from lethal military sonar. ...
We use it for our baked goods, yeah, and, so far, the only poisonings I hear about are from deadly plants and substances, such as cyanide, arsenic, etc. The more you know, right? Calvin April 14, 2019 at 4:43 pm Yall need some remedial courses in chemistry. Phosphate is a ...
These are considered the presence of electrolyte physiology and genetics) as distinct from the adrenal medulla adrenaline; and the lethal dose of hydroxychloroquine sulfate is used rectally to reduce testosterone killing inflammation. Patients with focal seizures originate in common cold. [from latin ...
Why is it so rarely prescribed? Probably because most psychiatrists have a completely exaggerated view of its dangers and side-effects and believe that its toxicity potential lies somewhere between cyanide and strychnine. Ok, now I’m exaggerating myself. Still, it’s really quite disturbing just...
Cyanide inhibits complex IV of the electron transport train, but why is this lethal? What reasons do smokers have for continuing this behavior? Why do injuries hurt? Why is patient teaching sometimes difficult for elderly clients? How many people die from diarrheal diseases ...
Why are cyanide compounds lethal to humans and where are they found? Why are there so many more carbon compounds than the number of compounds made up of all the rest of the elements combined? In order to identify a compound using TLC, it is necessary to spo...