Giunta, KathleenJournal of Law & Policy
Thwarted belongingness is a multidimensional and complex construct. In adults, this is generally defined as a combination of loneliness and lack of reciprocal, caring connections to others. From a developmental perspective, it is important to clarify the differential impact of parents and peers on ado...
Thwarted belongingness is a multidimensional and complex construct. In adults, this is generally defined as a combination of loneliness and lack of reciprocal, caring connections to others. From a developmental perspective, it is important to clarify the differential impact of parents and peers on ado...
healthcare staff will assess the authenticity of efforts that management make to reduce UB. If an intervention is not seen as authentic, staff may not take it seriously and will disengage. Authenticity can be lost if (1) managers are simultaneously engaging in negative behaviours and sending mixe...
The threat of an eventual intervention by the IMF with a strict adjustment regime will reduce the moral hazard problem in fiscal affairs. Thus, this institutional innovation could become a substitute for and preserve the spirit of the no-bailout clause. Moreover, it is likely that the fear of...
Neoclassical economic theory is important because of how it affects both markets and economic policy. Business The principles of neoclassical economics can be used by companies to set prices and grow their business. A business that understands neoclassical economics, for example, won't just look at...
Self-care and wellbeing and being able to have the tools to manage it better is getting more and more important in workplaces, and health and social care are no different. With the events of recent years, the impact of the pandemic, strikes, and now the cost-of-living cri...
Tapering is withdrawing from a monetary stimulus program that has been executed and quantitative easing policies have stabilized the economy.
Sometimes the relationship with God and spirituality have been vitally important because it has been like an anchor for a partner who is spiralling, not knowing how to deal with what’s going on and not knowing how to find their way. So it has been a journey towards God. (C 11). ...
The inherent characteristics of evidence-based social science determine that it can become an important way to enhance the effectiveness of social science and is the beginning of “social engineering” in the entire field of social science practice. At present, some scholars have begun to put forwa...