NCERT solutions for CBSE and other state boards is a key requirement for students. Doubtnut helps with homework, doubts and solutions to all the questions. It has helped students get under AIR 100 in NEET & IIT JEE. Get PDF and video solutions of IIT-JEE Mains & Advanced previous year pap...
Maximizing likelihood is often reformulated as maximizing the log-likelihood, because taking the log allows us to replace the product over the features into a sum, which is numerically more stable/easier to optimize. For related reasons, we minimize the negative log likelihood instead of maximizing...
3. Inappropriate Memory Management Memory is vital, particularly for mobile operating systems where RAM is often constrained. With different mobile devices operating on varying memory capacities, developers must ensure that apps are memory-efficient for many devices. ...
As collapse is primarily a function of the superimposed hydrostatic pressure (including the shape and weight of the heart, which is mainly located in the left chest side), it follows that, while prone, more mass opens in the non-dependent zones than collapses in the dependent sternal regions ...
more than 1100 symptom permutations possible. The diagnosis in DSM-5 is the result of combining two diagnoses from the DSM-IV, abuse and dependence, which proved to be less valid than a single dimensional approach [114]. Critically, SUD includes three levels of severity: mild (2–3 symptoms...
The Scotia Sea is underlain by the Scotia and South Sandwich plates (Fig. 1). Major tectonic plates that surround both plates are the South American Plate in the north and east and the Antarctic Plate in the south and west (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3). To the southeast of the South ...
Memory is also present in immune cells such as T and B cells, which provide more effective protection THE FINDING OF MEMORY NK CELLS: A HISTORICAL to the body.1,2 PERSPECTIVE Immunological memory was commonly believed to be a As outlined in Table 1, NK cell memory was firstly observed in...
Two representatives of the family, AtWhy1 and AtWhy3 are imported into plastids while AtWhy2 localizes to mitochondria. Their function in organelles is currently unknown. Results To understand the role of mitochondrial Whirlies in higher plants, we produced A. thaliana lines with altered ...
involves sequestration of muscleblind proteins and misregulation of alternative splicing'.22 An alternate view to the above is that it is mut RNA binding rather than focus formation that is the important feature in DM, irrespective of the fraction of a protein that is bound into mut RNA foci....
Moreover, it is worthwhile to note that the pseudo-first rate constant of the decay of hydrated electrons in the presence of 5 · 10−5 M BrSdU (k720 = 1.4 · 106 s−1) is nearly two-fold lower than the pseudo-first order rate constant of the formation of the transient measured...