Magically, Manuel's phone started ringing again. He says a Verizon rep then told him, his phone was on the wrong frequency. What does that mean? "Occasionally it can happen when they move things around a little bit," said Herbert. Herbert says each phone is assigned a frequency and somet...
Most of the time, the reason an iPhone isn’t ringing for incoming calls is that the user has accidentally turned onFocus (iOS 15 and newer)orDo Not Disturb (iOS 14 and older)feature in Settings. Focus and Do Not Disturb silence calls, alerts, and notifications on your iPhone. How Do I...
Here’s Why Calls on Your Phone Go Straight to Voicemail If an incoming call to your cell phone goes straight to voicemail without ringing, there could be a few reasons. Here’s what to look for and what you should do to fix it: Turn Off Do Not Disturb (DND) Mode DND mode is a...
More than half of Australian homes are still choosing to stick with their home phone. Age is naturally a factor(因素)— only 58 percent of Generation Ys still use landlines now and then, compared to 84 percent of B...
The primary reason that people get obsessed with cell phone is that cell phones can bring short but quick happiness. There is a saying really popular, "Addicted with phone is not all your wrong". That's because the software managers are studying how to steal your time every day. Most peop...
1. Noise — nothing can prepare you for the noise. Close your eyes and imagine jackhammers, motorcycles, yelling angry adults, crying babies, cell phone rings and chimes, and honking horns as far as the ear can hear. Imagine that is all happening in a 100 square foot room. Then, conver...
There are a few things that are more annoying than having a cell phone that’s constantly ringing. It kind of feels like carrying a crying baby everywhere that you go. Why Do You Need the Do Not Disturb Feature? Receiving a lot of phone calls isn’t necessarily a bad thing. It could...
My current pair is ~10? years old and still going despite me being on the road ~200-300 nights/year. They’re not my preferred headphone for home use, BUT I’m not going to be carrying a headphone amp & $800 cans on the road. Best part — they’re dirt cheap. $68 on ...
The alarm clock on your iPhone is working again and you won’t be oversleeping anytime soon. You’ll know exactly what to do the next time your iPhone alarm is not working! If you have any other questions, feel free to leave them in the comments section below....
"I think people sometimes confuse ringing the bell with like being cancer-free," Isabella Strahan said, referring to the tradition of ringing a bell at the end of chemotherapy treatment. "Sometimes it's not the case for everyone." Added Michael Strahan, "There will not be a time where she...