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cbse physics important questions physics marks wise questions physics concept questions and answers thermodynamics questions thevenin theorem questions equations of motion questions centre of gravity questions physics practicals cbse class 11 physics practicals cbse class 12 physics practical syllabus cbse ...
did you know that stars do not twinkle; they only appear to twinkle when seen from the earth’s surface. the stars seem to twinkle in the night sky due to the effects of the earth’s atmosphere. when starlight enters the atmosphere, it is affected by winds in the atmosphere and areas...
the grey area lost in evolution what is a virus? for many decades, viruses have been speculated to be neither living nor non-living. this is because they possess characteristic features of both living and non-living. at first glance, under an electron microscope, viruses almost look like a ...
infectious causes. instead, they arise as a result of internal imbalances in our bodies. some diseases like down’s syndrome and thalassemia are caused due to genetic abnormalities, and few types of cancers are caused due to gene mutations. high blood pressure is contributed to an inactive life...
preparation strategy top ten reasons to aim for ias top ten reasons to aim for the ias every year, lakhs of aspirants sit for civil services examination. the only dream they have in their head and heart is to be into ias. however, the aim of each aspirant might be different from ...