Why are plants important to the carbon cycle? Why is photosynthesis important to the biosphere? Why is human biology important? Why are fungi so important to the carbon cycle? Why is the ocean important to the carbon cycle? Why is chemistry important in the study of biology?
Why is carbon so important in biology? Why is nutrition important? Why are cyanobacteria important? Why is biological oceanography important? Why are amphibians important to the ecosystem? Why are autotrophs important in the food web? What is the importance of taxonomy?
Global climate health is affected by phytoplankton population health. Phytoplankton is responsible for approximately 50 percent of all photosynthesis on Earth. This means they function as a major carbon dioxide sink, pulling the gas from the atmosphere and emitting oxygen in its place. In this way ...
Biological Molecules—You Are What You Eat-Crash Course Biology 16 -- 12:59 App DNA Structure and Replication_Crash Course 9 -- 9:08 App Compartmentalization-Bozeman Science 20 -- 11:17 App Water-Liquid Awesome-Crash Course Biology 69 -- 9:16 App Proteins video-from Bozeman Science Mr...
Understanding how insects interact with artificial light is particularly important amid modern increases in light pollution that are a growing contributor to insect declines12,13. Compared to the abundance of hypotheses, the kinematic data required to test their predictions are exceedingly rare11,14. ...
In other words, reefs accomplish fixing high amount of carbon even in the relative absence of dissolved nitrogen and phosphate, which we all know as the main components of fertilizers. The secret to the success of the coral reefs is commonly believed to be the highly efficient recycling of nut...
Topics discussed include energy derived from carbohydrates or hydrocarbons, the photoreduction of carbon dioxide in photosynthesis, exploring alternative carbon-based fuels to replace fossil fuels, and the internal combustion engine.doi:10.1002/bies.201900026...
What is carbon fixation and why is it important? Why is Azolla used as a biofertilizer? Nucleosomes are coiled in solenoids and stabilized by what? What makes the carbon atom uniquely suited to building large molecules? Could a poly-Ala sequence form a beta-sheet? Why or why not?
Describe at least three reasons why it is important for cells to be able to communicate with one another. Why do living cells need carbon? Under what circumstances might it be advantageous for a bacterial cell to have a capsule rather...
In particular, the ability of glioma cells to switch phenotype in response to metabolic stress is believed to have important implications for tumour progression and resistance to thera- peutic agents. For instance, the mutually exclusive switching between proliferative and migratory phenotypes ...