It is interesting, however, how we tend to view our home turf a bit differently after traveling the world extensively. I’ve had a few wake up calls about Canada myself (good and bad). As for other places I’ve visited, I’ve certainly had different feelings. I answered a question on...
“It’s a Trojan horse,” he said. “I can’t give you all the different consequences or strings that are going to come from accepting any federal program.” California recently began allowing eligible undocumented immigrants to get Medicaid coverage, and the state...
Finally, we have among the Coalition’s coterie, the Service Employees International Union, whose endorsement for Kagan is also published on the Coalition’s Website.The SEIU is known for its former President, the Jew Andy Stern, who has visited Obama more than any other White House visitor....
“To our president, Joe Biden, when I think about the path that we have traveled together, Joe, I am filled with gratitude,” she said. “Your record is extraordinary as history will show, and your character is inspiring and Doug and I love you and Jill and are forever than...
The Midwest has many large research universities and the people are known for their hospitality and kindness. The USA is a multiracial society that is still absorbing new immigrants, which makes it a very dynamic and exciting place to experience. While students must exercise caution in a few ...
not only because the multicultural society is their fundamental political aim, but also because the disintegration of national identity in each nation and the massive presence of anti-white immigrants is designed to prevent the original white population from succeeding in any nationalistic outbursts agai...
While my name is very popular here in Canada, my husband’s isn’t, so I usually tell the students about the time I tried to reach my husband at work because of a family emergency. Unfortunately, he’d never corrected the mispronunciation of his name so when I asked to speak with him...
Later my work took me to Canada, Europe, Africa, and even Australia. I always ended up defending such trips as vitally important, but this did little to soothe Verena, who packed my suitcases and stayed behind with the children. Then there was the New York Times. After a hard day on ...
Even though I graduated from high school in Canada I felt that this wasn’t enough. So I even went to college over here. And despite that, I’ve never been able to have a meaningful job. To be honest, I’ve always been ashamed of where I’m from, that is something that I can’...
Have they checked the medical school from which we are accepting imports? Different personalities are motivated by different employment incentives. As testified by many MD’s in this thread dollars were not the main factor in choosing a medical profession. If greed is not a good motivator for a...