Whilecoffee doesn't cause acne, some studies suggest it can make it worse. Caffeine makes you feel alert and awake but also leads to a heightened stress response in the body. Stress hormones, such as cortisol, may increase the amount of oil produced by your sebaceous glands, meaning you ca...
"As we look at caffeine use for adolescents, one of the things that we're seeing is that it can actually become a gateway drug-- that you have your caffeine, you have it in the morning, but again, you have it in the afternoon, maybe in the evening, and then you can't sleep.”...
Many college students, especially when the final semester is winding down, are caffeine-hungry since they are staying up late at night finishing up finals and assignments. They usually get little to no sleep and quite literally survive off caffeine. Coffee may work for some students, but other...
” said Bijleveld. “This is important for professionals, such as engineers and educators, to keep in mind when designing tasks, tools, interfaces, apps, materials, or instructions. When people are required to exert substantial mental effort, you need to make sure to support or...
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to sleeping better. Good sleep hygiene strategies, however, include sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, monitoring your caffeine intake, exercising regularly, and avoiding bright lights and screens close to bedtime. Resources We Trust Mayo Clinic: Mayo Cl...
打个比方就好比每天晚上你的电脑或者手机要进入维护模式,进行磁盘碎片整理(memory 的转移和索引),安装固件更新漏洞补丁(增强免疫系统功能)之类的,喝醉昏睡过去大概就等价于强行拔掉电源——虽然两种情况电脑都黑屏了,但是第二天重启的时候立刻就会知道区别很大。而熬夜晚睡则相当于长期运行内存效率低下、没有补丁的“裸奔...
There is no one-size-fits-all solution to sleeping better. Good sleep hygiene strategies, however, include sticking to a consistent sleep schedule, monitoring your caffeine intake, exercising regularly, and avoiding bright lights and screens close to bedtime. Resources We Trust Mayo Clinic: Mayo Cl...