Obviously, things are a little bit funky around here, and I don't have any answers. But maybe if we got our heads together and brainstorm, we could all figure something out instead of … struggling or suffering in silence. It's like, let's find some light here. ...
Brand naming in China: How do you introduce your foreign company to the Chinese market? That is a problem all foreign companies face.
Because of the physical nature of this game (often team members will need to lift each other over the rope) it is not well suited for people with back, knee, or ankle injuries. This activity motivates people to brainstorm ideas, problem solve and put their proposed plans into action. It...
Unlike copy editing, it is not the beta’s job to catch all your grammatical errors (though they will probably catch some). It is also not their job to brainstorm solutions to plot problems or fix your boring dialogue. Don’t confuse beta readers with alpha readers or critique partners, ...
This is no excuse for rudeness, offensive behavior, orbeing unkindto other individuals. I am not proud of the way I’ve acted, and I’m not suggesting you follow in my footsteps, but it did give me a new perspective on other people I come across who are less than kind. ...
even though we lack social media managers and publicists. We can sell the hell out of our bodies to the people who will buy our content, but we do a terrible job promoting ourselves to people who don’t consider us jack-off material. We need to organize and brainstorm strategies to chan...
The whole method of categorizing is offensive to my way of thinking. In time we will discover newer solar systems where the planets have failed to sweep their orbits up and will that mean that they aren’t planets? What if one is larger than our Earth and hasn’t consolidated it’s ...
What seems hilarious to one person may be offensive to another. There are two main concerns when it comes to using humor: how does it make the humorist look and how does it make the humored feel. Humorist, Clown and Bully As a user of humor in the workplace, you want to avoid being...
THE ALLIED SWEEP was a Wasserstein brainstorm, and he was the man without whom this deal could not have been done. His prestige lent Campeau credibility in the financial markets, and his clout at First Boston produced hard cash. Initially First Boston promised Campeau all the money he ...