Sillers, Tina
Plastic is a single word, but plastic isn’t just one thing.What all plastics share in common are plasticizers -- special chemicals that allow the material to be changed into nearly any shape or texture.Plasticizers (塑化剂) are added to plastic during the manufacturing process. Phthalates and...
Now there is a test/standard, and quite a few filters, including Berkey, have tested to remove these contaminants. What a sigh of relief!!! Estrogen-like endocrine disrupting chemicals (EEDC) – they’re everywhere, and this is definitely new in the last century. Plastics: BPA, phthalates...
to this day, no one has actually proved there is a virus that is the cause of AIDS. I know they may say they have, but one of the things as we did with all the other diseases that we investigated, we looked for the original scientific ...
Also, the added texture of the hemp seeds combined with sea salt is so good and crunchy. I made a bowl of this last week and it was heavenly! It’s seriously amazing – I can’t wait to hear your reports.Please note red palm oil is different from palm kernel oil (that is grown ...
Research from the University of California raises concerns that the plastics floating in our oceans are like sponges, absorbing chemical pollutants and heavy metals from the water. These toxins (as well as chemicals like BPA in the plastic itself) then readily move up the food chain, starting wh...
The findings added to a growing consensus that certain pesticides were harmful. Legislators have failed to act sufficiently even now, Swan believes. “To this day, we have very inadequate restrictions on the kinds of pesticides that can be used and the crops they can be used on.” The abili...
It turns out that chemicals in plastic containers can leach into the foods they contain. In the past few years, consumers have become aware of the dangers of substance in many plastics called Bisphenol A, or BPA. BPA is used in many plastic containers, and also in the plastic lining of ...