This year I was in the station of Regensburg, Germany at 7:00 in the morning and the place was as busy as any airport you’ve been to, multiple trains per hour coming in and out, in a small city you’ve probably never heard of. When we arrived in Bologna, Italy on the other end...
Gira Bologna: Bologna was founded by the Etruscans under the name of Felsina. As a Roman metropolis it was known as Bononia. Later Bologna became a free Commune and then a papal city. Today, Bologna offers visitors one of the best preserved historic centers in Europe. Italian Tourism: Region...
which is considered ultra-processed, skip white bread in favor of something with lots of whole grains. And if you're making a sandwich, choose a lean protein source, a nut butter or an avocado. "What it boils down to is, don't eat it with lunch meats like bologna that are...
And that adds confusion on top of confusion, because food culture in Italy already is extraordinarily regional. So, particularly at local, non-touristy restaurants, you won’t find the same cuisine in Rome that you would in Bologna, Florence, or Venice. In Rome — or at least at Roman res...
Let’s be clear, the legend of Dracula is totally over-hyped and fabricated for the almighty tourist dollar. However, it’s still worth a day trip to explore the hilltop castle and its tight, windy stairwells. It has a spooky vibe, so let your imagination run wild!