All the used denim is used for recycling and converted into insulation for homes in the US. This turned to be a great project as this insulation is also environmentally friendly and free of toxic chemicals. Also, as compared to the traditional insulation used in homes, the recycled material c...
There is something easy that can be done to help correct this condition and get more Oxygen. It is so simple I could hardly believe it. Just take a deep breath. The hard part is —- Breath into your stomach not your chest. Many people, I know I’ve tested have resorted to upper ch...
So to make "white" gold, pure gold is alloyed with white metals, such as nickel. This bleaches the color and whitens it. However, the color is more of an off-white. Kind of a dingy white-ish color. Definitely not the color of platinum or high polished silver. So in order for ...
the pipe in the back of the machine that drains the water out of each load can be diverted to your yard, or to a barrel or cistern for future use in the yard or garden. If you choose a non-toxic LIQUID laundry soap or, better yet, use soapnuts...
“We rationalise things we feel stuck with. If we can’t be ourselves without some vital, bleach-laden treatment, we’re essentially stuck with it, so we’re more likely to interpret it positively. It’s a psychological defence mechanism – one that makes us feel okay ...
Bromine is chemically like chlorine, and like chlorine, it can burn skin. And bleach bathing suits if the concentration is too high. Because it's volatile, the easiest wayto lower bromine levelsis to let the water outgas. You can also lower the concentration by adding more water or by neu...
3 Pack Of Bleach (121 oz.)And bleach is very easy to stockpile. You can buy it in bulkat reasonable prices. One downside is it has ashorter shelf life. Combat this by replacing it every few years. But isn’t that just a waste of money?
Is Window Cleaner Toxic? Unfortunately the ingredients make window cleaner harmful to you and your family! Cleaning ingredients vary in the type of health hazard they pose. Some cause acute, or immediate, hazards such as skin or respiratory irritation, watery eyes, or chemical burns, while others...
Green cleaning alternatives like vinegar, lemon juice, and hydrogen peroxide can effectively remove stains, disinfect surfaces, and eliminate odors. Vinegar is particularly useful for cutting through grease and grime, while lemon juice works well as a natural bleach. Hydrogen peroxide is an excellent ...
Conventional cotton is also a major user of toxic herbicides, fungicides and defoliants. During processing, cotton is further subjected to chlorine bleach, heavy metal dyes and formaldehyde resins, the hidden hazard of ‘wrinkle free’ and ‘stain resistant’ treatments. Organic farming is safer ...