While some believe that the tiny size of dioxin exposure from diapers means it’s nothing to worry about, others feel that because dioxin is highly carcinogenic in even the tiniest amounts (parts per trillion), it’s worth it to reduce dioxin exposure even by that little bit. Unless a dis...
That’s why it’s so hard to reckon with the facts: because the loss of her is so terrible, and so inhumanly unfair, and because if she could have outlived herself, she would find the whole thing – the rituals of grief, the sobriety of her own memorialisation, all the earnest mawki...
If you want to reuse a washcloth in the kitchen, place the washcloth in a non metal bowl in a small amount of warm water with about a 1/2 tsp. of bleach…this keeps bacteria from growing, and then you can simply rinse out the washcloth and reuse it to wash counters or dishes. ...
This theory has lost some credibility since Trump failed to suspend democracy or invade Poland, but I think there’s actually something to it – so long as it’s understood that Trump is fascist in the Theodor Adorno sense; the way that, say, the Marvel cinematic universe is fascist, rathe...
prompts.chat is designed to provide an enhanced UX when working with prompts. With just a few clicks, you can easily edit and copy the prompts on the site to fit your specific needs and preferences. The copy button will copy the prompt exactly as you have edited it. prompts.chat.mov ...
when you get bites, is it bad if it itches and stings? The Health Board, in your inbox Our latest articles, guides, and more, delivered daily. Subscribe Categories Conditions Procedures Treatments Wellness Diet Mental Get Around About
Philippine Legend: The Legend of the Guava Indigenous People of Latin America: An Introduction Butterflies: Symbols of Life and Hope Are Trolls Real? Explore the Facts and Fiction of Trolls in Norway
Bleach Scented cleaners Harsh chemical cleaners Baking soda: be very careful if using baking soda to scrub away stains in the cage. Baking soda is a lung irritant to guinea pigs and can cause severe digestive problems. What Happens If a Guinea Pig Cage Gets Too Dirty?
do sth over clean or redecorate the surfaces of sth 清理或重新装饰某物的表面: The paintwork is beginning to flake; it'll need doing over/to be done over soon. 油漆已成片脱落, 需要赶快重新上漆. do sth to sb (infml 口) have an effect on sb; excite or stir sb 影响到某人; 刺激或...
By 1984, Dee Snider’s makeup-clad mug and enormous, frizzy, bleach-blonde hair was plastered virtually everywhere. The face of ultimate expression and empowerment for the youth was also a target for Tipper Gore and the PMRC, who found Twisted Sister’s “We’re Not Gonna Take It” to ...